Saving Greece's Stray Cats

Saving Greece's Stray Cats


Raised so far

  • About

Greece is home to an estimated 3 million stray cats. 

Constantly searching for their next meal, at risk of injury and disease, these vulnerable cats can spend their entire lives without any veterinary care, shelter, or positive human contact. 

Working with local animal lovers throughout Greece we are tackling the over populations crisis and ensuring homeless cats are fed and cared for. 
But we need help. 
We urgently need your support to end the suffering of poor, vulnerable cats.
Your donation will help us: 
  • Stop the birth of homeless kittens by neutering stray cats. 
  • Protect cats from disease by providing vaccinations. 
  • Ensure our dedicated volunteers can feed and care for stray cats, ensuring ill and injured cats receive the veterinary attention they need. 
Will you help us save Greece’s vulnerable stray cats? 
Your support matters more than ever and will make such a big difference. Thank-you.