Saving the Strays of Topeiros Northern Greece

Saving the Strays of Topeiros Northern Greece


Raised so far

  • About

Animal Action Greece and Greek Animal Rescue are responding to a critical situation in Topeiros, in Northern Greece, where more than 600 stray dogs, are trying to survive on a rubbish site. 

Many of the dogs are reduced to skin and bone, covered from head to tail in flees and ticks and suffering terribly from deadly injuries and ailments.  

We are already working with a dedicated team from Angels Garden, a local volunteer run shelter, feeding the hungry dogs and providing emergency treatment to the sick and injured. But there is so much more to do. 

We have developed a plan to care for and sterilize all the dogs on the site and to rescue and rehome those that are suitable for rehoming. We now need to urgently raise the funds to implement our plan and help the suffering dogs of Topeiros.

With your help we will

  1. Ensure the dogs are fed every day.
  2. Vaccinate the dogs to prevent disease and improve the dog’s health.
  3. Sterilize all the dogs to stop new puppies being born.
  4. Rescue and rehome as many of the dogs as possible, starting with the puppies.

We know that we can make an immediate difference and ease the suffering of these dogs but we will need your help.

Will you help the stray dogs of Topeiros?

Your contribution, no matter how large or small, will make a life-saving difference to the life of the forgotten dogs of Topeiros.

The support you provide will allow us to start implementing our plan and making a real difference straight away.

These dogs are the responsibility of the local authorities and we are committed to working with them and ensuring they take responsibility for the dogs.

In the meantime Animal Action Greece and Greek Animal Rescue will lead the way, working with dedicated local volunteers who urgently need our support.

It deeply saddens us, as we’re sure it does you, to see so many innocent animals living in such pitiful conditions. 

With your help we can turn this situation around and ease the suffering of these dogs who deserve better.

Thank you for your support and compassion.